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The Sourcerers.

They donate an image to the Society.

Those images come from two different realms of production and consumption: art and science.


The Guardians of the Image.

Set of rules:

They are inhabitants of Gerland.

They are the only ones who know the complete collection of the Secret Images.

They have the decision on when, where, how and which images of the collection

to show to spectators at the Event Horizon.

They select which images to pass on to The Invisible College.

They can ask for new images to new Sourcerers.

They can discard images of the collection by giving them back, selling, destroying or abandoning them.

They can dismantle the complete society whenever they want, but only by absolute majority.

Once dismantle, if there are any economical wins, they have to be divided in fair parts

to each Guardian depending the antiquity of their involvement.

Kids from the Invisible College can be Guardians later, but they cannot be both roles at the same time.

No grown up Guardian can be part or interfere in the work of the Invisible College.

Nobody can be expelled of The Society and everybody can join.



Set of principles

To see, not only with the eye, but with the entire body.

To conceive the potentiality of the image when we dare to push it beyond its frame.

To believe that an image is mostly an experience.

To think that an experience is a state of constant transformation.

To push the experience into a public domain.

To become a surface by the contact with others.

To be affected by becoming a surface delivered to the intangible forces of the outside.





The Invisible College

Their role relies on provoking empirical exercises  that depart from the Society’s Collection. These exercises put into action the ideas that can be potentially derived from a donated image (or group of images). The objective is to generate a new,

and socially produced set of images that will enter the collection.


The first Invisible College was founded in 1645, and its objective was to operate beyond the borders of academic and orthodox religious knowledge. Their way of functioning was similar to a secret society, and their intention was to produce empirical experiments to verify scientific theories, but also to discuss different knowledge of the occult. Some members of this Invisible College founded the Royal Society, that had an important influence at the beginning of modern science during Illustration.

In 2019, The Invisible College operates beyond the contemporary platforms of image production and circulation, such as Biennales or Instragram. They are mostly teenagers from the school XXXXXX, and some already formed groups in the area.  


The Eye of Mercury.

They are the spectators of The Event Horizon.

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